Chiropractic & Physiotherapy Clinic in Richmond Hill

At Chiro-Med Rehab Centre, we are pleased to offer you physiotherapy and chiropractor services, as well as exercise and rehabilitation therapy. If you need help, you can be sure that we will find the right modality specific to your unique needs or condition.

We Accept All Extended Health Care Insurances, Motor Vehicle Accidents And W.S.I.B.

About Chiro-Med

Chiro-Med Rehab Centre is committed to working with patients, providing program-specific health care services so they may achieve optimal health.

Richmond Hill Clinic

Established in 2007 by Dr. Behfar Sanjari, Chiro-Med Rehab Centre has been committed to providing quality health care services to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and the surrounding areas.


At Chiro-Med Rehab Centre, we are pleased to offer you physiotherapy and chiropractor services, as well as exercise and rehabilitation therapy. If you need help, you can be sure that we will find the right modality specific to your unique needs or condition.


Our assessments are exceptional, utilizing the latest technology and techniques to thoroughly evaluate our patients' conditions. Our team of highly skilled professionals is dedicated to providing accurate and effective diagnoses that help us tailor treatment plans to each patient's unique needs.

In-Home Assessments

In-home assessments are used to evaluate the various tasks a claimant may have at home, and to what extent their injuries will impair their ability to perform these tasks.

Work-Sites Assessments

A work-site assessment is an objective analysis that is used to provide information on the physical demand requirements of the claimant’s pre-accident job.

Functional Abilities Evaluation

A functional abilities evaluation (FAE) is an assessment that utilizes scientific principles and measurements to analyze the abilities of a claimant as relevant to their pre-injury level of function.


Hear what our cherished clients have to say about our services and staff.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"After being involved in a car accident I started being treated at Chiro-Med Rehab Centre and have had an amazing experience at the clinic. Dr. Sanjari and his staff are amazing! They're friendly, helpful, always greet you with a smile and are very knowledgeable about what they do. The treatment i've received has been second to none and the results have significantly improved my quality of life. Thank you Chiro-Med Team."

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"After being involved in a car accident I started being treated at Chiro-Med Rehab Centre and have had an amazing experience at the clinic. Dr. Sanjari and his staff are amazing! They're friendly, helpful, always greet you with a smile and are very knowledgeable about what they do."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Excellent facility. Great chiropractor, excellent massage specialists and other treating practitioners. I had the best body massage here. Very friendly and charming staff. Very good in keeping time so can plan out other activities."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Since starting with the group at Chiro-Med my flexibility and strength has improved 150%.  I have found the employees at Chiro-Med exceptional."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I can not express enough how grateful I am the the staff at Chiro-Med. The quality of service and professionalism is the best that I have encountered. Dr. Sanjari is very knowledgeable and was able to resolve my issues in a few sessions. I wish I had found them sooner as the issues I had were present for over a year, and now it is a pleasure to be once again pain free. Thank you!!"


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Staff here are the very best you'll ever find.  Friendly, always smiling, helping you out in any way the can. Than there is their work which is so comforting and relaxing. Makes one feel like you can always trust them now and into the future."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"This location is very convenient for me, specially the parking space. They are professional, I am so happy with the doctor. They always try to help as much as they can. I can see that they really care about the patient.  The staff are very friendly and helpful.  In general I am so happy and satisfied with the services that I get here."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Thanks to Dr. Sanjari my vertigo has been eliminated and my spinal problems, lower back pain and neck pain has been greatly decreased. He is professional, knowledgeable and courtesy, his staff is also courtesy and kind. I recommend Chiro-Med."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Chiro-Med Rehab Centre has a great positive and relaxing environment. Staff are professional and friendly. I would recommend that you drop by and check out the services for yourself."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Chiro-Med is a very professional and pleasant rehab centre. The customer service is great. The receptionists are always very kind, professional and pleasant. They always great you with a smile and quite understanding."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Chiro-Med Rehab Centre is a very friendly, professional and a great environment. The staff are all very well trained."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Chiro-Med is a very organized and clean facility. The staff is very helpful and polite. It’s definitely the best rehab facility (centre)."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"They provide you with quick friendly services. They are caring, helpful, and knowledgeable and they remember your name."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I had lower back pain during my pregnancy and Dr. Sanjari really helped me. The staff is really nice, kind and friendly. I like the fact that they remind you of your appointments the day ahead."


★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"People here make you feel like family, always at ease, friendly smiles, easy going, and always there to help you in any way they can."

J. W.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"My experience at Dr.Sanjari’s clinic has been wonderful. I do not feel like I am going to a clinic. Dr. Sanjari and all of his staff are friendly and helpful professionals that make you want to return, especially because you see results. I couldn’t ask for a better medical experience."

E. S.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"The staff is extremely friendly. They are really involved by helping the patient and explaining the best treatment option. Knowing that, patients will get motivated and push themselves to get better."

E. Z.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I got the DonJoy knee brace about a month ago and the difference is night and day. I’m able to walk and bike once again. I saw an immediate change to the stability of my knee, even stairs are not so daunting to face anymore. I’m very happy to be mobile once more. Even dancing all night no longer proves to be a problem. Most difficult part of getting my brace was the colour / pattern choice. I’d highly recommend this type of brace. By the way my knee injury consists of a blown ACL and severely damaged meniscus!"

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"I got the DonJoy knee brace about a month ago and the difference is night and day. I’m able to walk and bike once again. I saw an immediate change to the stability of my knee, even stairs are not so daunting to face anymore. I’m very happy to be mobile once more. Even dancing all night no longer proves to be a problem."


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Our products are made with high-quality materials and cutting-edge technology, providing exceptional durability and performance. Customers love how easy they are to use and how they have improved their daily lives.


Explore our informative articles which provide valuable insights and information about the industry, technology, and the latest modalities.

Chiropractic Care Not Just For Back Pain

Many people only visit a Richmond Hill chiropractor only when they have back pain, not realizing that regular chiropractic care can benefit many other parts of the body besides just the spine.  A qualified chiropractor can provide relief for a variety of ailments related to the spine, such as joint pain, headaches and sciatic nerve problems, but many people are surprised to learn that they can also find relief from seemingly unrelated disorders, such as asthma, allergies, and digestive disorders such as constipation simply by visiting a chiropractor on a regular basis.  Chiropractic treatment is also effective for carpal tunnel syndrome, sprains and other minor injuries.

When you visit Richmond Hill for chiropractic treatment you can rest assured that you will receive the highest quality care from a qualified professional.  Your chiropractor will assess your condition and schedule treatment accordingly.  It is important to understand that it will take more than just one visit to correct your problem.   In order to maintain good health, you should visit your chiropractor regularly, even when you are feeling well and pain-free.  Your Richmond Hill chiropractor will advise you of the frequency of visits that he or she recommends, and by faithfully attending your scheduled chiropractor visits you can be sure that you will notice a difference in your energy levels, moods and overall feeling of well-being.

So remember, don’t wait until you are injured or feeling pain before you schedule an appointment with a Richmond Hill chiropractor.  Make chiropractic care part of you regular health maintenance regimen and it may be possible for you to ward off pain before it starts.  Maintaining proper spinal health will help keep all parts of your body functioning properly and keep you feeling better than you have ever felt before.

Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment for individuals who are suffering from many joint and tendon disorders.  More commonly known as Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) to health professionals, this form of treatment sends acoustic shock waves into the bone or soft tissue which basically reinjures the area on a cellular level.  As a result scar tissue that has penetrated tendons and ligaments becomes broken up. This controlled method of re-injury allows the body to regenerate bone cells and blood vessels which in turn leads to faster healing.

Shock waves are high energy sound waves that are audible. They occur when an aircraft breaks the sound barrier or during lightning strikes. For over thirty years now shock waves have been used in the medical field (for example) to disintegrate kidney stones.

Shockwave therapy treats a variety of conditions that can plague an individual. Some of these include:

  • Lumbar and cervical spine regions
  • Chronic muscular pain
  • Shin splints
  • Bursitis
  • Iliotibial band friction syndrome
  • Patellar tendonitis
  • Hamstrings
  • Heel spurs
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Tennis elbow
  • Calcific tendinosis of the rotator cuff muscles
  • Non healing ulcers
  • Mortons neuroma
  • Hallux rigidus

Depending on the condition and how severe it is depends on how many treatments are required. On average, most patients need about 3 to 6 treatment sessions per week. Clinical studies say that for those who were suited for this treatment there is about an 80 to 85 percent chance of the condition being greatly improved yet 95 percent experience some level of improvement. Most people with a soft tissue injury can benefit from this treatment, especially athletes

Proven Success Rates

• 91% improved for calcific tendinitis
• 77% improvement for tennis elbow
• 90% improvement for plantar fasciitis

How Safe is Shockwave Therapy?

The basic technology involved with this shockwave technology has been actively used on millions of people (mostly in Europe) for several decades.  This technology originates in Europe hence the reason for the high number of people who have benefitted from it.

There are virtually no side effects and even the mild side effects such as redness, tingling or redness is rare and short-lived.

There are many benefits from shockwave therapy. Of course it is non-invasive, basically has no side effects, accelerates healing, and coverage is available from most health insurance companies.  This is a treatment that has been fully tested and backed by a lot of scientific evidence.

Are there People Who Cannot Have this Therapy?

Shockwave therapy is not for everyone. It is typically not used on those who may have bone tumours, circulation or nerve disorders, and certain metabolic bone conditions.  Also, it is not used on women who are pregnant either.

There are some other contraindications and/or precautions to be aware of such as:

  • Cortisone injections
  • Blood thinning medications
  • Heart or circulatory problems
  • Cancer or diabetes

The best thing to do is have a consultation with a qualified health professional so you can find out if you are a candidate for shockwave therapy.

Upper Cross Syndrome

Many people may be well on their way to suffering with upper cross syndrome and are totally unaware that they can prevent this health issue by improving their posture. Upper cross syndrome is the weakening and lengthening of the neck (rear) muscles and the posterior upper back. Often there is a simultaneous tightening and shortening of the neck (throat area) and anterior pectoral muscles.

Bad posture is the source of many back pains, and in addition, poor digestion. If the body is slumped over, food cannot make its way through the digestion track the way it is intended.

Causes Of Upper Cross Syndrome

Unhealthy posture is the most common cause of upper cross syndrome. Although it is common among the elderly, it is increasingly becoming a problem with all ages because people are slumping at their desks and do not realize they are sitting wrong. Even occupations that require standing for any length of time can cause an individual to not be aware therefore they slouch. Women who have a very large chest size often find themselves humped over due to the excess weight.

Those with chronic bad posture generally have rounded shoulders, their head is somewhat in front of their body and there is an apparent curve in the upper back and neck.

How To Avoid Upper Cross Syndrome

Maintaining correct posture is essential to overall good health and for those who are susceptible; a conscious effort must be made to keep the back straight. Individuals who are at a computer all day tend to sit slouching forward with their head leaning toward the monitor.

Avoiding upper cross syndrome is easy so long as you are always aware of your posture. To help maintain good posture while sitting at a desk for many hours, make sure the monitor is at eye level and the keyboard should not be too far in front of the body. Shoulders need to be kept back (chest out) and it is recommended that both feet be flat on the floor with a 90 degree bend at the knees.

Choosing the right chair is important, one that facilitates good posture. Many health experts in Switzerland back in the 1980’s recommended that their patients use stability balls as their office chair. Stability balls ensure the user has good posture and core muscles get a workout at the same time.

If you are in a job situation in which you have to stand all day, try to find something to keep one leg elevated, and switch legs frequently.

Prevention Of Metatarsalgia

Preventing metatarsalgia is easy so long as you are aware of the causes. Anyone who engages in running, jumping, or aerobic exercises must have proper footwear. Everyday proper footwear is essential in order to keep your feet in good shape. salgia if they are physically active and participate in activities that involve running and or jumping.

Suggested Therapies

Stretching is important. Getting into a good routine of regular stretching throughout the day will not only help prevent, it can help correct upper cross syndrome. The pectoral and anterior shoulder muscles must be stretched often. The importance of stretching can never be stressed enough, but if you suffer from upper cross syndrome, be sure you follow your health professional’s advice.

Exercises are also recommended to help alleviate the pain and discomfort from upper cross syndrome. Many of these are simple, and taking a few moments out of the day to do these will help. As with stretching, be sure to follow the treatment plan your health professional designs specifically for you.

In more serious cases, chiropractic care may be required.

Chiro-Med Rehab Centre in Richmond Hill can help you get a plan together and will help you implement it. If chiropractic services are required, rest assured, the professionals at Chiro-Med Rehab Centre will put you at ease.

Our walk-in clinic is conveniently located at 10144 Yonge Street, just north of Major MacKenzie Drive in the heart of Richmond Hill. Call 905-918-0419 for your free consultation.

Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome is a condition where the piriformis muscle (located in the hip) compresses and irritates the sciatic nerve. This results in pain, numbness and general discomfort in the buttocks, lower thighs, legs and lower back (this pain is often referred to as "sciatica"). The sciatic nerve starts in the spine and runs down the back of a person's leg.

The piriformis muscle helps with the lateral rotation of the thigh, and is instrumental for walking since it shifts the body weight to the other side of the foot that is being lifted, thereby keeping a person from falling over.

Causes Of Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis syndrome can be caused by:

  • Inactive gluteal muscles
  • Prolonged external rotation of the hip, resulting in the shortening of the piriformis muscle (e.g. when a person sits with their hips flexed for extended periods of time)
  • Overuse injury resulting from activities that are performed in the sitting position along with strenuous use of the legs (e.g. rowing, bicycling or sculling)
  • Repetitive forward movements that lead to weak hip abductors, tight adductors and a resultant shortening and contraction of the piriformis muscle
  • Overpronation of the feet, where a person initially makes contact with the ground on the lateral side of the heel while walking or running

When sciatica occurs and there is no clear spinal reason for the pain then piriformis syndrome is often considered as a possible diagnosis.

Symptoms And Diagnosis Of Piriformis Syndrome

Sciatic pain (sciatica) in the buttocks, thighs and lower legs is the predominant symptom of piriformis syndrome.

Diagnosis is clinical in nature, and relies upon the determined exclusion of other causes of sciatica. Physical examination consists of stretching the piriformis muscle in an attempt to provoke sciatic nerve compression. Types of maneuvers used are the Freiberg, Pace, and FAIR (flexion, adduction, internal rotation) exercises. Conditions that these exercises rule out (as the cause of sciatica) are herniated
nucleus propulsus (HNP), stenosis, facet arthropathy and lumbar muscle strains.

MRI, CT, ultrasound, EMG scans and magnetic resonance neurography (an imaging technique) can also be used to exclude conditions that result in sciatica.

Treatment Of Piriformis Syndrome

Our Richmond Hill Chiropractic, Physiotherapy and Massage Therapy center can help treat piriformis syndrome via:

  • Proper stretching exercises and massage therapy that targets the piriformis muscle as well
    as the hamstrings and hip muscles
  • Physical therapy, designed to strengthen the core muscles involved (e.g. abdomen, back, etc.)
    thereby reducing strain on the piriformis muscle
  • Teaching you how to perform these exercises yourself
  • Ice and heat therapy
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Gait correction (teaching you proper walking and running techniques)
  • Custom orthotics, used for both treatment and prevention

Piriformis syndrome is a debilitating condition that results in pain and discomfort, reducing a person's quality of life by limiting their physical activities.

Fortunately there are things that can be done to treat and prevent this condition.

Chiro-Med Rehab Centre has the necessary knowledge and expertise to start you on the road to recovery today. Try our services: we will have you back on your feet and feeling better, letting you get back to those activities that you love to do!

Golfers Elbow

Meidal epicondylitis, or more commonly referred to as golfer's elbow, is actually a similar injury to tennis elbow only it affects the inside area of the elbow. Golfer's elbow is commonly experienced by those who 'throw' and with golfers hence the nickname. Sometimes golfer's elbow is also referred to as flexor pronator tendinopathy; this elbow pain is seen in tennis players who use a lot of top spin on their forehand shots.

Overuse injuries of the elbow are especially common among athletes. Any sport that subjects an athlete to repetitive elbow flexion-extension or wrist motion can cause these syndromes. This is a condition that can occur at any age; interestingly it is commonly seen in patients between 40 and 60 years of age.

Lateral Epicondylitis AKA Tennis Elbow

Lateral epicondylitis is a physical health condition more commonly referred to as tennis elbow. This painful condition has affected many people and it involves the tendons that attach to the bone on the outside part of the elbow. Tendons anchor muscles to bone. The muscle involved in this condition, the extensor carpi radialis brevis, is what is felt when tennis elbow strikes.

Degeneration of the tendon's attachment is what happens with lateral epicondylitis; the weakening places enormous stress on this area. Eventually this leads to pain when involved with activities in which this muscle is used such as lifting, gripping, and grasping. Tennis is usually associated with this condition but the problem can occur when participating in many different types of athletic or non-athletic activities. The good news is that the qualified professional staff at Chiro-Med Rehab Centre in Richmond Hill can help.

Causes Of Lateral Epicondylitis

There are numerous causes of lateral epicondylitis that are work and leisure-related. Any activity that places enormous or repetitive stress on the tendon attachments causes tennis elbow. These stresses can come from holding too large a grip or from repetitive gripping activities. This can include painting, meat cutting, window washing with a squeegee and much more.

Another cause can be when the area receives a direct blow that results in the swelling of the tendon and this can lead to degeneration. A sudden and extreme action, activity or force can also injure the tendon.

Although this condition affects many people between 30 and 50 years of age, it can occur in any age group.

Symptoms Of Lateral Epicondylitis

Pain is usually the primary reason that patients seek out medical evaluation. The pain is located over the outside area of the elbow, over the bone area which is known as the lateral epicondyle. When you have tennis elbow, this area becomes tender to touch. Pain also occurs by any activity which places stress on the tendon, such as gripping or lifting. With activity, tennis elbow pain generally starts at the elbow and can travel down the forearm to the hand. Depending on the severity, any motion of the elbow can become painful.

Treatment Of Lateral Epicondylitis

The good news is that there are non-surgical treatment options. The most common form of treatment is simply limiting or eliminating aggravating activity. Total rest in some cases is not recommended. Modifying how you grip items can also help.

A brace may be required to reduce the tension on the tendon in order to allow it time to heal properly.

Physical therapy plays a large role in the treatment of tennis elbow. A physiotherapist can provide stretching and strengthening exercises to help treat this condition. Also, modalities such as ultrasound, laser or cryotherapy treatment can be used. In some cases anti-inflammatories may be required.

Only in severe cases is surgery considered. The pain must be incapacitating and the patient has not been able to respond well to conservative care. Surgery should never be an option unless severe pain has been ongoing for many weeks.

Like so many other health conditions, it is very important to diagnose lateral epicondylitis as soon as possible. The sooner tennis elbow is treated, the faster the patient can resume their daily activities.

Chiro-Med Medical Centre has the necessary expertise and knowledge to help you recover from lateral epicondylitis. As professionals we can recommend the type of treatment needed and effectively implement that treatment, getting you back up and running as quick as possible! No two patients are identical and neither is treatment. We ensure that you get a treatment plan tailor-made for your abilities. Chiro-Med Medical Centre in Richmond Hill looks forward to helping you resume activities you enjoy!

Concussion Management

Concussions are a form of mild traumatic brain injuries that are caused as a result of a blow to the head, neck, body or face that disrupts normal functions of the brain. Many people are of the belief that the loss of consciousness is a common element of concussions of which it is not; it can happen but it is not that common. A mild traumatic brain injury can leave psychological and physical effects that may not be apparent right away; sometimes symptoms may not appear until days or weeks later.

Concussion Symptoms

There are several indicators and symptoms that a person may experience if they have a concussion. Keep in mind though that these signs may immediately develop or they may not surface for hours, days and possibly weeks. Age is something to consider because in children the signs may be more subtle.

Symptoms may include:

  • Pressure in the head or a headache.
  • Feeling confused or in a daze.
  • Ringing sounds in the ear.
  • Amnesia.
  • Dizziness, nausea or vomiting for no other apparent reason.
  • Speech is slurred.
  • Unable to answer a simple question quickly.
  • Fatigue.
  • Temporary loss of consciousness.
  • Loss of concentration and memory.
  • Irritability.
  • Heightened sensitivity to noise and/or light.
  • Inability to get a good sleep at night.
  • Depression.
  • Taste and smell may be altered.

Should any of these symptoms appear after a head injury (child, youth or adult) then be sure to seek emergency care:

  • Continuous vomiting.
  • Loss of consciousness lasting more than 30 seconds.
  • Headaches that persist and get worse.
  • Changes in behaviour such as physical coordination, stumbling or clumsiness.
  • Seizures.
  • Confused or disoriented as well as having difficulty recognizing people or places
  • Slurred speech or other changes in speech
  • Vision disturbances including dilated pupils or pupils that are unequal in size.
  • Dizziness does not go away.
  • Large bumps on the head or bruises on other areas of the head in young children, especially in infants.

Canadian Government

The Government of Canada recognizes that concussions are a serious concern among those participating in sports and recreation activities, especially youth. Concussions in sport are a recognized public health issue because of their frequency and their potential short and long-term consequences. For example:

  • 64% of emergency hospital visits among 10-18 year-olds are related to participation in sports and other recreational activities.
  • Among children and youth (10-18 years) who visit an emergency department for a sports-related head injury, 39 percent were diagnosed with concussions; another 24 percent were possible concussions.
  • Between 2004 and 2014 football, soccer and hockey have all shown a greater than 40% increase in rates of reported head injury for children and youth.

Chiropractic & Physiotherapy Care

Our Chiropractors and Physiotherapists can be an integral part of your recovery as they are trained and certified via Complete Concussion Management protocols and receive ongoing evidence based continuing education in order to provide our patients' with the most relevant treatment approaches.

In many cases concussions occur  along with some type of musculoskeletal injury such as; whiplash, muscle spasms, joint fixations, and facet syndrome. Our Chiropractors and physiotherapists are the best-trained professionals to help resolve the injuries sustained.  A treatment plan will be implemented to help resolve both the musculoskeletal diagnosis and concussion.

For more information about concussions and how we can help you, feel free to call our office during regular business hours and one of our associates will be please to speak with you. Established in 2007 by Dr. Behfar Sanjari, Chiro-Med Rehab Centre has been committed to providing quality health care services to the Greater Toronto Area for a decade. We have clinics located in Richmond Hill and Newmarket, call 905-918-0419 or 905-235-2620 for more information.


Hot Stone Massage Benefits – Newmarket Clinic

Studies have proven that regular massages are highly beneficial to our overall health and for treating specific ailments as well. What many people are not aware of is that hot stone massage therapy can be just as beneficial and has a long history of doing so.

Brief History

  • Hot stone massage may have originated in India 5,000 years ago from the ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda. Smooth river bed stones were warmed or cooled for use in healing and massage.
  • The Japanese used warm stones to help their abdomens improve digestion. This apparently dates back about 4,000 years ago.
  • More than 2,000 years ago, ancient Chinese used heated stones to improve the function of internal organs.
  • Native Americans used hot stones during rituals and in sweat lodges and many are still using them today.
  • For hundreds of years, Hawaiians have used hot stones for massage and healing for many years. Heated lava stones were used on the body to help increase blood circulation.
  • Ancient Greek and Roman cultures used many forms of massage for healing and for simple relaxation including hot stones.

What is a Hot Stone Massage?

Placing smooth, warmed up stones in order to achieve results needs to be done by a qualified therapist. Anyone can place hot stones on the body where there may be an ache, but in order to target specific ailments and to properly increase circulation having a trained professional is important.

Massage oils are used in the process in addition to smooth stones. Basalt stones are commonly used as well as various river stones. These stones are safe to use, sterilised and properly heated so that no discomfort will be experienced by the patient. The stones are heated in a sterile heating unit that either provides a temperature reading or has an adjustable thermostat control.  The massage therapist always holds the stones first before touching them to your body, which ensures that the temperature will not be too hot.

Stones are strategically placed at various points on the body and as the warmth penetrates the skin the client will experience a massage and effleurage. Stones are sometimes used to massage and glide over targeted areas to assist with healing.

The therapist might also leave heated stones in specific points along the sides of the spine, in the palms of the hands, on the stomach, or even between toes; this assists in improving the flow of energy throughout the body.  Heat warms and relaxes muscles allowing the therapist to apply deeper pressure, if required. Many people find the warmth of the hot stones to be quite comforting and deeply relaxing.

This form of therapy is often used for the same conditions as a regular massage:

  • Anxiety
  • Back pain
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Osteoarthritis

Hot Stone Massages Are Not For Everyone

While hot stone massage is generally considered safe when performed by a trained and licensed massage therapist, it's not right for everyone. This is not recommended for those who have had recent surgery, or have certain medical conditions, or have wounded areas (including inflamed areas). Pregnant women and children should avoid hot stone massages as well.

Palliative Care and Hot Stone Massages

According to an article published in the Journal of Oncology, massage therapy is a popular adjunct to cancer palliation. There was a study conducted with favourable results. It was discovered that those in palliative care who received a hot stone massage saw a decrease in some very common symptoms they commonly experience.

Most individuals who were studied reported a decrease in:

  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Depression
  • Anxiety

However, there was no difference in lack of appetite.

If you feel you need a hot stone massage or are wondering if it is right for you then Chiro-Med can help.

For more information about hot stone massage or how chiropractic and physiotherapy can help you, please give Chiro-Med a call. Established in 2007 by Dr. Behfar Sanjari, Chiro-Med Rehab Centre has been committed to providing quality health care services to the Greater Toronto Area for a decade. We have clinics located in Richmond Hill and Newmarket; call 905-918-0419 or 905-235-2620 for more information.

Link to the study done on palliative care patients:

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Welcome to our platform for sharing thoughts, ideas, and insights with our clients. We strive to offer a unique perspective on the topics and subject matter most important to the field.

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For questions, guidance, or more information, call us at any time!
We accept all extended health care insurances, motor vehicle accidents and W.S.I.B.