Am I too Old for Chiropractic Care?
As the human body ages many change occur and this includes the spine. Spinal discs, facet joints, muscles, ligaments and other related tissues become weaker therefore less able to withstand normal stresses.
There is not a doubt that regular exercise throughout one's life is critical in order to help thwart off potential health issues. This is something we all need to keep in mind as we age but for those who are reaching or in their mature years it is never too late to implement an exercise program. Seeking professional guidance on this is important.
Chiropractic procedures are always individualized taking in many factors and this includes the patient's age. For those who are in their mature years they too can benefit from regular chiropractic care that will provide them with many health benefits. Through the use of gentle mobilization and adjustive techniques, stretching, exercise, and if need be physical therapies, spinal stress is decreased which in turn minimizes degeneration. The patient also benefits from increased flexibility and mobility and this is really important for individuals in their mature years.
Studies Prove the Benefits of Chiropractic Care for the Mature.
The best study to refer to was actually done many years ago (in 1996) because the average age of over 400 individuals studied was 80. This study included chiropractic patients and those not under chiropractic care. Here are some of the findings:
- 87 percent of those in chiropractic care rated their health as good or excellent compared with only 68 percent in the non-chiropractic group.
- 13 percent of those in chiropractic care rated their health as fair or poor compared with 32 percent in the non-chiropractic group.
- 44 percent of those in chiropractic care reported having arthritis compared with 66 percent in the non-chiropractic group.
- Those in chiropractic care were more likely to do strenuous levels of exercise.
- At a 3 year follow-up, less than 5 percent of those who used chiropractic care required a nursing home while a whopping 48 percent of those who did not use chiropractic care needed a nursing home.
- At the 3 year follow-up, 26 percent of those who were in chiropractic care were hospitalized compared with 48 percent of those in the non-chiropractic group.
Coulter, PhD et al. Chiropractic and Care for the Elderly. Top Clin Chiro 1996;3(2):46-55.
Chiropractor care for even the elderly has a proven track record of benefits for the health and the overall enjoyment of mobility. At a glance, here are some benefits for those who have maintained good health:
- increased range of motion and mobility
- increased balance and coordination
- increased energy
- minimized risk of fall injuries
- minimized spinal stress
- minimized spinal degeneration
- increased joint health
For those who have had some health issues some benefits include:
- decreased stiffness and muscular spasms
- enhanced tissue healing
- decreased tissue inflammation
- decreased arthritis and arthritic joint pain
The best benefit that everyone gets from chiropractic care is balance and coordination. As all of us age our balance and coordination can increasingly be altered. Receptors in our upper cervical joints are mostly responsible for sending information to the brain about balance and coordination and it is these receptors that a large cause of balance and coordination issues in people.
Injuries from falling are very common in the elderly and it truly is one of the more detrimental events that can occur. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada:
“Falls account for more than half of all injuries among Canadians 65 years and over. One third of community-dwelling Canadian seniors experience one fall each year and half of those will fall more than once. The likelihood of dying from a fall-related injury increases with age; among seniors, 20% of deaths related to injury can be traced back to a falls.”
The statistics are rather bleak. Falls account for 34 percent of all injury-related hospital admissions and it is the leading cause of injury-related hospital admissions for seniors. There is great personal suffering and for many of these patients there is the loss of independence. The cost to the system is almost $2 billion every year and 40 percent of nursing home admissions are because of falls.
Chiropractic care can help avert these and other health issues. For more information or should you have any questions, please contact Chiro Med Rehab Centre. Chiro-Med Rehab Centre in Richmond Hill has professionals on staff that can help you maintain good health. Our walk-in clinic is conveniently located at 10144 Yonge Street, just north of Major MacKenzie Drive in the heart of Richmond Hill. Visit Chiro-Med online or call 905-918-0419 for more information.
Seniors and Injury in Canada
For questions, guidance, or more information, call us at any time!
We accept all extended health care insurances, motor vehicle accidents and W.S.I.B.