Metatarsalgia is a condition that affects the ball of your foot causing pain and inflammation. This condition is not considered serious but the pain can sideline an individual from their normal activities. Metatarsalgia is considered a common overuse injury that originates in the metatarsal region of the foot.
Causes Of Metatarsalgia
There are a few known causes of metatarsalgia. This “ball-of-foot” pain is experienced among those who have improper footwear, especially women. This is because women wear shoes that are not designed for comfort; high heels and shoes that narrow in the toe area inhibits a healthy walking process and leads to extreme discomfort in the forefront of the foot.
Also, those who participate in high impact activities without proper footwear and/or orthotics tend to suffer with metatarsalgia. In addition, as we grow older, the natural “padding” in our feet tends to thin out, making us more susceptible to pain in the ball-of-the-foot area.
Any person, regardless of age may experience metatarsalgia if they are physically active and participate in activities that involve running and or jumping.
Symptoms Of Metatarsalgia
Those who have metatarsalgia usually experience a sharp, burning pain on the ball of the foot area (behind the toes). This pain usually worsens when the individual stands, walks or runs and also when the affected foot is flexed. Resting often can sometimes ease the pain. Some people who have metatarsalgia also experience toe numbness. Although these symptoms tend to manifest abruptly, it usually takes weeks for metatarsalgia to develop.
Prevention Of Metatarsalgia
Preventing metatarsalgia is easy so long as you are aware of the causes. Anyone who engages in running, jumping, or aerobic exercises must have proper footwear. Everyday proper footwear is essential in order to keep your feet in good shape. salgia if they are physically active and participate in activities that involve running and or jumping.
Metatarsalgia Treatment
First of all it is important to mention that getting a proper diagnosis is essential in order to treat metatarsalgia effectively. Only once properly diagnosed can a treatment plan be implemented.
Depending on the severity, metatarsalgia treatment can be as simple as applying ice packs to the affected area several times. Rest is another simple but effective way to treat metatarsalgia. Keeping stress off the balls of the feet is important in order to reduce inflammation and pain.
Athletes who need to still keep active are usually advised to temporarily switch to low impact exercises such as swimming. Even if some usual activities are maintained, no treatment will effectively work and the injury will inevitably worsen.
Causes Of Metatarsalgia
There are a few known causes of metatarsalgia. This “ball-of-foot” pain is experienced among those who have improper footwear, especially women. This is because women wear shoes that are not designed for comfort; high heels and shoes that narrow in the toe area inhibits a healthy walking process and leads to extreme discomfort in the forefront of the foot.
Also, those who participate in high impact activities without proper footwear and/or orthotics tend to suffer with metatarsalgia. In addition, as we grow older, the natural “padding” in our feet tends to thin out, making us more susceptible to pain in the ball-of-the-foot area.
Any person, regardless of age may experience metatarsalgia if they are physically active and participate in activities that involve running and or jumping.
Health professionals at Chiro-Med Rehab Centre in Richmond Hill find that many of their patients have a great recovery rate when they are prescribed custom orthotics to minimize pressure. Although there are over-the-counter shock-absorbing insoles, these are designed with a “one size fits all” template. There is no “one-size fits all” when it comes to proper foot support.
Orthotics from Chiro-Med Rehab Centre are medical inserts that comfortably fit into footwear, and are custom designed to support and improve the functioning of feet. Regardless of where you go, work, school, or recreation activities, orthotics should be worn at all times – even at home. Orthotic insoles work like prescription eye-glasses; they can only work when they are being worn. During the first couple of weeks while wearing custom orthotics, there may be a slight discomfort in the arches, feet, and legs. This is normal, and is actually an indication that your custom orthotics are working.
Only in the absolute most severe cases and when all other treatment avenues have been explored is surgery suggested. Surgery involves the realignment of the metatarsal bones.
Chiro-Med Rehab Centre in Richmond Hill has a convenient location and highly qualified health professionals to help you get back activities you once enjoyed – pain free!
Call 905-918-0419 for more information.
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