Kinesiology Taping; What it is and How it Works

Injuries are a sore point for many Canadians. As the 5th leading cause of death for Canadians of all ages, injuries are inflicting scars that don't heal easily for people from all walks of life. Incurring billions of dollars in out-of-pocket expense for sufferers each year in terms of treatment and loss of wages, various types of injuries make it difficult for the afflicted to function normally in everyday life. Thankfully inventive tools and pin-pointed care can address the needs of the populace.

Kinesiology taping is one method of treatment that has been easing pain for decades. Now more regularly touted in therapeutic venues, kinesiology taping is relieving numerous types of pain and improving the lives of many. Whether you are a professional athlete in need of muscle support or have a child who suffers from joint pain, relief is possible.

What is kinesiology taping? Simply put, it is a multi-functional solution that when properly applied can produce positive results.

Get the Facts

Physiotherapists aim to provide a sense of normalcy to their clientele by employing proven methods that encourage muscle movement, maintenance, development, and restoration. Kinesiology Taping is one way they can achieve their goal of giving reachable relief to anyone who desires it. An adhesive acrylic tape that has elasticity, is thin and made of cotton, kinesiology taping provides treatment to multiple types of muscular skeletal afflictions, inflammatory ailments and sports injuries. With texture and characteristics very similar to your own skin, this specially designed tape essentially lifts skin away from bruised, inflamed or swollen tissue.

Who Does it Help?

Everyday people suffering from muscle strain, arthritis, and even carpal tunnel syndrome find comfort in the application of kinesiology tape. Athletes use it for muscle support, protection and removal of lactic acid, an acid that often causes detrimental post-muscle soreness. Surrounding the peripheral of the injured areas with a tape that moves with your skin, kinesiology tape offers children with low muscle tone muscle strength and tactile feedback. The versatility of the product is undeniable. Here is a comprehensive list of the myriad of conditions the kinesiology taping method can and has addressed:

  • Strained muscles
  • Sprains
  • Hematomas
  • Weakness (muscular)
  • Low muscle tone
  • Joint alignment or hyper-mobility
  • Posture issues such as slouched spines or rounded shoulders
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Various types of arthritis
  • Lupus
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Lymphedema
  • Growing pains
  • Shin splints

Discovering there are options available to help you face debilitating injuries with pro-active resources is an important first step. Getting to a place of pain-free may be possible for you. Therapy works, you just have to know exactly what problems or injuries you need to address. Then trusted professionals can start you down the right path to relief. Find out where your sore spot is located by calling for a free consultation at Chiro-Med Rehab Centre today!

For questions, guidance, or more information, call us at any time!
We accept all extended health care insurances, motor vehicle accidents and W.S.I.B.