7 Best Ways to Sleep with Lower Back Pain
As we age, our bodies become more susceptible to all kinds of pain, especially in the lower back area. This lower back pain is a very common health complaint among older people. While the condition may begin as a dull ache, it could quickly intensify until you feel a stabbing pain that runs through your back and even extends to your legs.
Once your lower back pain has reached a severe level, it can be disruptive to the everyday tasks that you take for granted. Even sleeping on your bed will become a painful endeavour when you struggle with a constant bout of lower back pain. As the pain continues, you may find yourself going through many nights without any restful sleep. Eventually, the insomnia will cause a myriad of health problems throughout your body, all stemming from the pain in your lower back area.
When you are experiencing back pain, it is essential that you get a proper amount of rest for your body to heal and recover. If you are having sleeping problems, below are the seven best ways on how to sleep with lower back pain:
1. Seek chiropractic help

There are many suggestions for sleeping with lower back pain, but receiving proper treatment is the best way to get to the root of the problem. Visiting a chiropractor is highly recommended for anyone struggling with lower back pain. The cause of your lower back pain may be difficult to decipher on your own, but a chiropractor is able to give you a more precise diagnosis. The chiropractor will identify what is causing your back pain and offer the best treatments to help with your condition.
Once you eliminate the back pain, you won't have to worry about it disturbing your sleep at night. In addition, you may continue to pursue ongoing physiotherapy treatments, which could prevent this condition from springing up again in the future.
2. Sleep on a firm mattress

Your mattress could be a pivotal to the quality of sleep that you are getting each night. If you are sleeping on an old or soft mattress, it will probably not provide the physical support that you need. In the worst-case scenario, an unsuitable mattress could aggravate your lower back pain, making your condition even worse every night.
If you have sleeping problems, your best bet is to pick a firm mattress that gives you support and takes the edge off from your lower back pain. While it could take a while to find the perfect fit, you can ask your chiropractor for some helpful recommendations.
3. Get the right chair

A poor seating arrangement could be the cause of your lower back pain. If you are sitting down for most of the day, you should make sure your chair is comfortable and suitable for your back. Over the past few years, there have been many great advances in the world of ergonomics, so your office chair might be due for an upgrade.
In some office environments, the chair provided by your employer may not be the right fit. Don't hold back on purchasing a cozier and more ergonomic chair for yourself, because this could make a real difference in alleviating your lower back pain.
4. Get out of bed

When many people experience back pain, they feel inclined to stay in their beds all the time. There is a common assumption that lying down on the bed will give you pain relief, but this is not the case. The longer you spend on your back, the more damage you are likely to aggravate.
After a long period of lying down, your body may feel stiff and stuck in one position. This only makes it more difficult for you to get up. Instead, it is very important that you try to move around, which gets the blood pumping throughout your body.
5. Try different sleeping positions

While this may require a little trial and error, sleeping in a different position could take the pressure off your back and provide some pain relief. Try to experiment with a couple of pillows for support and see if you can find a comfortable lying position. Even though you may not find the perfect spot right away, just keep trying until you find a position that works for you.
6. Get a nighttime routine

You would be amazed at how easy it is to trick your brain into helping you sleep at night. If you have a set bedtime and a regular routine that you follow, your body will naturally prepare to fall asleep around the same time every night. You can enhance this routine by playing some white noise, listening to soft music, or even reading a book as you lie down for bed.
7. Stop using your phone

As we have mentioned, the brain is easy to trick. However, this can work against you as well. If you are focused on a bright light source, such as a phone screen, your body can become confused as to what time of day it is. Before you head to bed, it is best to limit your screen time as much as possible. Simply put away your phone and concentrate on going to sleep. Without the mental stimulation from your phone, both your brain and your body may find it easier to go to sleep at night.
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